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Best Marketing Ideas for Remodelers

Best Marketing Ideas for Remodelers

As we step into 2024, remodelers need to embrace innovative marketing ideas that differentiate their services in a competitive market. Understanding the best practices for engaging with potential clients who are increasingly digital-savvy and have multiple options available is crucial. As professionals in the industry, we hand-picked the top marketing ideas designed specifically for remodelers like you, who are looking to enhance their presence and drive business growth this year:

1. Leverage Local SEO:

For remodelers, the local market is your bread and butter. Studies show that local searches lead to purchases quickly, with about 28% of such searches resulting in a purchase within just one day (LocaliQ, 2024). Optimizing your online presence to appear in local search results is essential for short and long-term success. One way to do this is to ensure your Google Business Profile is up to date, and fresh with pictures, contact information, and reviews. This will build trust among your local searchers and will encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews. If you want to go the extra mile, use local keywords throughout your website as well, so you’re easier to find for people in your area.

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2. Utilize Video Content:

A short video is worth 1000 words. According to recent market and industry insights, over 80% of marketers surveyed attribute video content to an increase in lead generation and sales (Wyzowl). This can be anything: Before-and-after videos of your projects, time-lapse videos of work in progress, explanatory videos on what differentiates your services, or just short videos on interesting facts about the jobs you are working on. Share these videos on your website, YouTube, and social media platforms. Videos are quick and easy ways to deliver information in a more engaging way than blocks of text.

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3. Invest in Targeted Social Media Ads:

Platforms like Facebook and Instagram offer powerful tools to target ads geographically and demographically. Facebook’s conversion rate is around 9.21%, meaning that for every 100 clicks, approximately

9 will ultimately result in a conversion (Brafton, 2024). Tailored ads can help you reach potential clients within your service area, showcasing your best work or offering special promotions. Social media is today’s version of word-of-mouth and should be seen as such. (Pro tip: We can also help you creating the perfect targeted social media ads and run them for you!)

Invest in Targeted Social Media Ads

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4. Develop Strategic Partnerships:

Partner with local suppliers, interior designers, architects and real estate agencies. Partnerships between remodeling businesses and technology providers can introduce advanced tools and software that streamline project management and budgeting processes (For Construction Pros, 2022). These collaborations can lead to referrals and shared marketing efforts, broadening your reach and reinforcing your reputation. Consider the different types of partnerships that exist and choose the one that fits your business. For example, this could be a partnership agreement between two businesses in the same niche market. These can include partnership agreements that feature mechanisms for dispute resolution and shared risks and rewards. They also involve a diverse group of participants like costumers, consultants, and suppliers. Since they often have no fixed termination date, they can be legally complex to dissolve, depending on the type of legal liability involved. You could also consider a Joint Venture, that involve partners from both public and private sectors who form a co-owned legal entity to jointly deliver services. These ventures pool resources for specific projects within a defined timeframe, offering a trial run for potential long-term collaborations. Unlike general and limited partnerships, JVs have a clear end date for their collaborative projects.

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5. Email Marketing with Value:

Collect emails from your website visitors in exchange for a valuable download. According to recent insights in the architecture and construction industry, which includes remodeling companies, email marketing has an open rate of approximately 42.9% and a click-through rate of 4.07% (MailerLite’s 2024 E-mail Marketing Benchmarks).

Email Marketing with Value

One idea for your e-mail campaign would be a guide on all the questions you should ask before choosing a remodeler. Or it might be a worthwhile investment to make an e-book on how to choose the right colors for your space that can be used a promotional material. Use mailing lists to send out updates, promotions, or newsletters to interested individuals. This keeps your business on top of mind and encourages past clients to consider more projects or refer your services.

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6. Enhanced Interactive Experiences on Your Website:

Capture client imagination right from the first click! According to a study by Sketchfab, businesses that incorporate AR/VR into their marketing strategies see a 94% higher conversion rate compared to those that don’t. Create virtual tours of completed projects or use augmented reality (AR) to allow potential clients to visualize remodeling changes in their own homes. These interactive elements can significantly increase user engagement and time spent on your site, enhancing lead-generation efforts. The longer you can keep people active and engaged with your content the more likely they are to reach out for a trial, quote, or take other steps.

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7. Content Marketing Focused on DIY and Home Improvement Tips:

Turn your expertise into their weekend project. Content marketing gets three times more leads than paid search advertising, making it a highly effective strategy for growing a business. This approach not only builds trust but also keeps your audience engaged with your brand, increasing the likelihood they’ll turn to you for larger projects. You can share short videos about home improvement, DIY projects, and easy fixes for usual homeowner worries. Investing in content marketing is always a smart investment for those in the industry.


8. Community-Based Marketing Initiatives:

Nothing talks better about your business than a community of happy clients. A Nielsen report found that 92% of consumers trust word-of-mouth or recommendations from friends and family above all other forms of advertising. This just further highlights the value of building a strong local presence within this competitive and growing market. This strategy can lead to powerful word-of-mouth referrals and a strong local following, essential for businesses reliant on local markets. It also helps to paint your company in a positive light among the local community who may not be as comfortable or trusting with larger impersonal companies out there.

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These strategies are designed not just to attract leads but to convert them into clients by building trust and demonstrating your expertise and reliability. By integrating these marketing strategies, you position your remodeling business not just as a choice, but as the best choice in your local area.

Marketing Strategy Concept

Our average client increased their sales by over $1,000,000 per year by using these strategies. And you can too!

Implementing these ideas will require some investment, whether in time or money, but the return in terms of brand visibility and customer engagement can be substantial. If you are ready to take this step, an additional tip would be to schedule your strategy session with us. That way we can dive deep into your business and come up with a solid and personalized marketing strategy that will double your investment in no time! Take the first step and reach out today!

About the Author

Picture of Shannon Donovan

Shannon Donovan

Founder and President - Remodelers Marketing Crew

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